History ECO Tuning
2008 starts DHL (Deutsche Post) with SKN Tuning the pilot project ECO Tuning Conversion of the letter and parcel delivery vehicle fleet (potential 50.000 vehicles in Germany)
The large private and public television channels become aware of SKN and SKN ECO Tuning!
For the first time ever, SKN presents the ECO Tuning developed and patented by 2. Parallel to the trade fair in Essen, the ECO Tuning area will be switched ON ONLINE and the market will be amazed.
In 2003, Michael Schiffer joined the SKN Tuning GmbH team as a manager for sales and marketing. With the idea of not only using the reserves of an engine to achieve more power, more driving pleasure or more torque, but also to use the reserves to reduce fuel consumption, he brought a completely new perspective to the market and the company.
As a target group, the logistics sector (truck, transporter) should be addressed to the start-up pace. It was clear that logistics companies would immediately lick blood if reliable and guaranteed savings were achieved in the fuel segment of 5 - 20%.
With this route and a clear goal, which meant that 2006 was to be developed to the market, SKN set the stage for a development budget of 250.000 €. For more than two years trucks and transporters were rented and rented again and again to borrow hard facts and reproducible, reliable values in double-blind studies. Thousands of kilometers were traveled nationwide to get a little better, interrupted by ongoing adjustments and improvements.
Several days, nights and weeks have been spent on emission measurements and performance tests, and finally, in the fall of the year 2005, to present the ECO tuning of the global media presence at the Essen Motorshow.